
Long-term Support for the Potsdam Holiday Fund: Endowment Match Campaign

In early 2023, the Potsdam Holiday Fund learned that gifts to our Endowment would be matched by the Northern New York Community Foundation up to a total of $10,000 – effectively doubling donations to the fund. We asked that you join us in helping to ensure that the program will be able to continue to help families in need well into the future.  We are very happy to report that we raised nearly $13,000 for the endowment, thus earning the community foundation’s match. The Potsdam Holiday Fund’s endowment is now over $50,000.

You may know that through our program’s Endowment, the Potsdam Holiday Fund has a permanent fund that generates some interest income every year for the program.

Would you please consider joining us by making a gift to the endowment (in addition to your annual donation, if applicable)? This will help us to build a larger endowment that will provide ongoing support for our program.

Your contribution will help ensure that the program will continue to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.

What is An Endowment?

In 2015, the Potsdam Holiday Fund established an Endowment with the Northern New York Community Foundation. An endowment is a “forever” fund that provides long-term perpetual support, that will allow the Potsdam Holiday Fund to continue to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need for many years to come.


Here’s how it works: The Endowment principal is invested, providing us with interest income each year that is available to spend on unexpected expenses or, if it is not needed that year, can be reinvested in the fund’s principal to grow the endowment. Our Endowment is managed by the Northern New York Community Foundation.

The Northern New York Community Foundation and the Potsdam Holiday Fund have established this official partnership to create an endowment fund to help provide long-term, perpetual support of the Potsdam Holiday Fund's work and mission.

Northern New York Community Foundation

The fund is a permanent component fund of the Community Foundation and helps to provide additional sustainability as well as other options for donors who are considering major or planned gifts in support of the program in perpetuity.

We are very pleased to work with the Northern New York Community Foundation to help ensure that the Potsdam Holiday Fund will continue to help families in need well into the future. Our program is truly a community-wide effort, thanks to the hundreds of contributors and volunteers who work very hard every year to help those in our community who are struggling to provide for their families.

Please Support Our Endowment

By working with the foundation since 2015, we began a long-term investment that will help the Potsdam Holiday Fund continue to do the important work of making the holidays brighter for hundreds of children and senior citizens in need every year. Please click here to give online, or click here to fill out a paper endowment donation form.

 Thank you!